17 सितंबर, 2023

अहम् और मम

ममता बहुत बड़ा मल है। ममता दुख रूप होती है। ममता जितनी अधिक होती है मनुष्य को उतना ही कष्ट होता है। यहां तक कहा गया है कि "ममता तरुन तमी अंधियारी, राग द्वेष उलूक सुखकारी"  ममता अमावस्या की काली रात है, उसमें राग द्वेष रूपी उल्लू सुख पाते हैं।

यदि हमारी बेटे में ममता है तो उसको कोई भी आदमी पीटेगा तो हमें उस आदमी से द्वेष हो जाएगा।

और यदि हमारी स्त्री या बहु में ममता है तो उसको कोई भी देखेगा तो द्वेष हो जाएगा। 

जहां ममता है वहां राग द्वेष जरूर रहता है। 

चाहे वह ममता छोटे बच्चे में कर लो या एक स्त्री में।

तो ममता का क्या अर्थ है ? ममता का अर्थ है मेरापन 

विभीषण जी ने कहा है - ममता तरुन तमी अंधियारी  

यह ममता काली रात्रि के समान है जहां ममता है वहां राग- द्वेष भी जरूर होता है । जब तक ममता है तब तक भगवान नहीं आएंगे , और भगवान आ गये तो ममता नहीं रहेगी-- तब लगि बसति जीव मन माहीं। जब लगि प्रभु प्रताप रबि नाहीं।।   यह ममता रूपी रात्रि तभी तक जीव के मन में बसती है, जब तक प्रभु का प्रताप रूपी सूर्य उदय नहीं होता।

भगवान में प्रेम हो गया तो यह स्त्री, बेटा,बेटी की सब ममता खत्म हो जाएंगी 

सब जगह यह अखंड नियम है।

तो फिर ममता का आखिर करें क्या, इसे कहां लगाएं ?

तुलसीदास जी कहते हैं-

तुलसी ममता राम सों समता सब संसार।

राग न रोष न दोष दुख दास भए भव पार।।

गोस्वामी तुलसीदास जी कहते हैं कि जिनको श्री राम चंद्र जी में अपनत्व (मैं राम जी का और राम जी मेरे हैं) की ममता है और इस जगत को बिना भेदभाव के समत्व यानी समता(ना काहू से दोस्ती,ना काहू से बैर) है ,जिनका किसी के प्रति राग,द्वेष,दोष और दुख आदि का भाव नहीं है, ऐसे श्रीराम प्रेमी भक्त बिना परिश्रम भवसागर पार हो जाते हैं।

 हम मरते हैं संसार में ममता करने के कारण ही भगवान में ममता हो जाए तो कभी मरना ना पड़े

श्रीमद् भागवतम 5.5.8 में कहते हैं

           पुंस: स्त्रिया मिथुनीभावमेतं तयोर्मिथो हृदयग्रन्थिमाहु: ।

               अतो गृहक्षेत्रसुताप्तवित्तैर्जनस्य मोहोऽयमहं ममेति ॥ ८ ॥

स्त्री तथा पुरुष के मध्य का आकर्षण भौतिक अस्तित्व का मूल नियम है। इस भ्रांत धारणा के कारण स्त्री तथा पुरुष के हृदय परस्पर जुड़े रहते हैं। इसी के फलस्वरूप मनुष्य अपने शरीर, घर, सन्तान, स्वजन तथा धन के प्रति आकृष्ट होता है। इस प्रकार वह जीवन के मोहों को बढ़ाता है और “मैं तथा मेरा” के रूप में सोचता है।

पुरुरवा भी उर्वशी के मोह में पड़कर अत्यंत दुखी होने के बाद अंत में यही निष्कर्ष निकालता है, अंत में यही समझता है -"चूँकि मैने अपनी बुद्धि को मन्द बनने दिया और चूँकि मै अपनी इन्द्रियों को वश में नहीं कर सका, इसलिए मेरे मन का महान् मोह मिटा नहीं यद्यपि उर्वशी ने सुन्दर वचनों द्वारा मुझे अच्छी सलाह दी थी। भला मै अपने कष्ट के लिए उसे कैसे दोष दे सकता हूँ जबकि मै स्वयं अपने असली आध्यात्मिक स्वभाव से अपरिचित हूँ? मै अपनी इन्द्रियों को वश में नहीं कर पाया, इसीलिए मै उस व्यक्ति की तरह हूँ जो निर्दोष रस्सी को भ्रमवश सर्प समझ बैठता है।" (श्रीमद् भागवतम 11.26.16)

इसलिए बुद्धिमान मनुष्य को सारी कुसंगति त्याग देनी चाहिए और सन्त भक्तों की संगति ग्रहण करनी चाहिए जिनके शब्दों से मन का अति-अनुराग समाप्त हो जाता है

आसक्ति होती है शरीर को ‘मैं’ मानकर और ममता होती है शरीर से संबंधित वस्तुओं को ‘मेरा’ मानकर। अहम् को कृष्ण में समर्पित करके ममत्व को भी कृष्ण में लगा कर के ही हम बंधन से मुक्त हो सकते हैं और आनंदकंद से युक्त हो सकते हैं। 

जिसने मनुष्य जीवन पाकर भी भवसागर से, विकारों के आकर्षण से खुद को नहीं बचाया, जो आत्मा-परमात्मा के ज्ञान में नहीं आया, वह मंदमति है, आत्म-हत्यारा है, अधोगति को जायेगा। यह जीव किसी भी वस्तु या जगहमें आसक्ति, प्रियता या वासना रखेगा, उसे मृत्युके बाद चाहे कोई भी योनि मिले, उसी जगह आना पड़ेगा । पशु-पक्षी, चिड़िया, चूहे आदि उसी घरमें जाते हैं । जिसमें पूर्व-जन्ममें राग था ।

                 कारणं गुणसङ्गोऽस्य सदसद्योनिजन्मसु ।        (गीता १३/२१)

अतः भगवान कपिल स्वयं कहते हैं कि -

                  मदाश्रया: कथा मृष्टा:श‍ृण्वन्ति कथयन्ति च ।

                  तपन्ति विविधास्तापा नैतान्मद्गतचेतस: ॥ २३ ॥         (श्रीमद् भागवतम 3.25.23)

निरन्तर मेरे अर्थात् पूर्ण पुरुषोत्तम भगवान के कीर्तन तथा श्रवण में संलग्न रहकर साधुगण किसी प्रकार का भौतिक कष्ट नहीं पाते, क्योंकि वे सैदव मेरी लीलाओं तथा कार्यकलापों के विचारों में ही निमग्न रहते हैं। यदि कोई मुझको छोडक़र अन्य की शरण ग्रहण करता है, तो वह जन्म तथा मृत्यु के विकट भय से कभी छुटकारा नहीं पा सकता

                     प्रसङ्गमजरं पाशमात्मन: कवयो विदु: ।

                     स एव साधुषु कृतो मोक्षद्वारमपावृतम् ॥ २० ॥     (श्रीमद् भागवतम 3.25.20)

प्रत्येक विद्वान व्यक्ति अच्छी तरह जानता है कि सांसारिक आसक्ति ही आत्मा का सबसे बड़ा बन्धन है। किन्तु वही आसक्ति यदि स्वरूपसिद्ध भक्तों के प्रति हो जाय तो मोक्ष का द्वार खुल जाता है।

05 सितंबर, 2023

श्रीमद्भागवतम् अध्ययन : > प्रथम स्कंध, प्रथम अध्याय, श्लोक संख्या -(4 से 11)

 पिछले तीन श्लोक भागवत के मंगलाचरण थें अब मुख्य विषय प्रस्तुत हो रहा है जिसके कुछ मुख्य बिंदु निमनलिखित हैं। 👇

1) भगवान की प्राप्ति की इच्छा के बजाय इंद्रिय तृप्ति की कामना से कर्म होना यह कर्ता के लिए बंधन का कारण है। 

2) जिस प्रकार वृक्ष की जड़ में जल देने से वृक्ष से अलग हुई टहनियों को पोषण नहीं मिल सकता उसी प्रकार जब कोई जीव भगवान से रहित है अर्थात उनसे जुड़ा नहीं है, उनकी सेवा से रहित है तो उसके जीवन में कभी संतुष्टि और शांति नही मिल सकती और यदि भौतिक वस्तुओं से उसे कोई संतुष्टि प्रदान करना चाहे तो ये समय का अपव्यय मात्र है। 

3) भगवान के नामों का सामूहिक कीर्तन तथा श्रीमद भागवत का अध्ययन ही इस युग में जीवों के हृदय को तृप्ति और शांति प्रदान कर सकती है। 

4) जो व्यासदेव जी के दृष्टिकोण को, उनके उद्देश्य को सही सही प्रस्तुत कर सके, अपनी मनमानी व्याख्या की बजाय केवल उनकी ही बात प्रस्तुत करे तथा पूर्ववर्ती आचार्यों का अनुगमन करे ऐसे प्रमाणिक प्रतिनिधि गोस्वामी समझने योग्य हैं। 

5) व्यासदेव के प्रमाणिक प्रतिनिधि को चार पापों(अवैध स्त्री संबंध, पशु वध, मादक द्रव्य, सभी प्रकार की द्युत क्रीड़ा)से मुक्त रहना चाहिए। समस्त शास्त्रों, वेदों और पुराणों में पारंगत होना चाहिए। षडदर्शन की समस्त प्रणालियों से उसे अवगत होना चाहिए ताकि अन्य समस्त प्रणालियों में भागवत की आस्तिकता वाद को प्रस्तुत कर सकें क्योंकि दर्शन की समस्त प्रणालियों में समस्त कारणों के कारण अर्थात श्री कृष्ण का वर्णन कहीं नहीं किया गया है। 

6) गुरु की आज्ञा का पालन अत्यंत विनीत भाव से करते हुए तथा उनके अनूकूल रहकर ही जीव को जीवन की अभीष्ट सिद्धि अर्थात भगवतप्राप्ति सहज ही हो सकती है अन्यथा इस मार्ग पर केवल बाधा ही बाधा उत्पन्न होगी। 

7) इस कलयुग में विभिन्न प्रकार के पंथ और संस्थाएँ केवल इंद्रिय तृप्ति के उद्धेश्य से अपना बाजार चला रहें हैं और ढीले ढाले लोग जो अध्यात्म को बड़ी सरल वस्तु मानते हैं ,ऐसे लोग उनके आडंबर में फँस कर अपना जीवन बर्बाद करते हैं । धर्म की आड़ में पापाचरण को ही बढ़ावा मिलता है और जीवन में कभी शांति नहीं मिलती। 

8) लोग वर्णाश्रम के विधि विधानों का पालन करने में अपने आप को अयोग्य समझते हैं और आध्यात्म में कोई रुचि नहीं दिखातें। इसलिए शौनकादि मुनिजन सूत जी से समस्त शास्त्रों का सार प्रस्तुत करने के लिए प्रार्थना कर रहें हैं ताकि जन सामान्य उसे बड़ी सहजता से समझ सकें। 

**आत्मा को भौतिक वस्तुओं से तृप्ति नहीं मिल सकती क्योंकि वह भौतिक तत्वों से निर्मित नहीं है वह स्वभाविक रूप से आध्यात्मिक है। समस्त शास्त्रों का निर्माण इस आत्मा की तृप्ति हेतु ही हुआ है । विभिन्न शास्त्रों में विभिन्न प्रकार के जीवों के लिए विभिन्न प्रकार की बातों और विधिविधानों का वर्णन है किंतु कलयुग के जीवों की असमर्थता को ध्यान में रखतें हुए, उनके कल्याणार्थ नैमिषारण्य के मुनियों ने सूत जी के समक्ष अपने प्रश्न रखें। 

01 सितंबर, 2023

The Poriade or Adventures of Porus

The Poriade or Adventures of Porus


It has often been observed that this is the age of facts and not of poetry; that men are more willing to follow the doctrines of Bentham than to amuse themselves with the beauties of Shakespeare. This remark has very little foundation after all. For, notwithstanding their tendency to useful objects, people are ever disposed to lend their listening ears to the gentle voice of the Muse. This consideration, however, leads me to publish this little book of poem with a view to obtain the encouragment of the public which will enable me to give the other parts to the world. To please men at their leisure hours is not the only object of my work, but some historic importance will no doubt be attached to it. The life of Pooroo (with somewhat of a poetic license of course) and his war with Alexander will be described at length.

— K.N. Dutt


The poet laments the fate of his Country—Invokes the Muse—Sindus the king of Taxilus—He being childless requests his priests to find the day when he will have a child—After consulting their rules of foretelling they presage the birth of Pooroo—Pooroo takes his birth—His Satara—His boyhood—He goes to play on the Sutledge bank—There he kills a hind—Serious reflections—He goes out to travel in the dress of a hermit—The king hears of his disappearance—The queen mourns—The priests pray—Pooroo stands on a hill and sees the stars and the moon—He sleeps in a grot—The vision appears and advises him to go to China.


Alas! the days of glory are no more,

When Hindu fame rang out from shore to shore;

When Asak’s* arms encompassed distant lands,

And Grecia trembled at our martial bands!

*Asak (Ashok) was a great Indian potentate and is known to have been the conqueror of almost whole of Asia and some parts of Europe. He was the grandson of Chandragupta or Sandrocotus of the Greeks. His exploits are all recorded in the pages of the Boodha works.

Alas! no Rama bends his massive bow,

To give a tyrant a destructive blow.

No more his pon’drous club a Bhima* wields,

Nor from savage foes, this his country shields.

*Bhima was the second son of Koonti, the wife of Pandoo, and was a hero in the war recorded in the Mahavarata. He was a very skilful wrestler and was placed at the head of the army of the Pandavas. Vyasha relates a story concerning him, which it is hoped, will please the readers both native and outlandish. When all the Kings of India as well as other parts of Asia were united in Panchal against Bhima, then in the disguise of a Brahmin, he with a large bamboo in his hand beat them all away. He is said to have killed a very dreadful giant called Hiramba in a duel which was followed by his marriage with the sister of his dead antagonist, by whom he had a son named Ghuttothkoch.

Those days are gone, those suns appear no more,

Dark, dark is now our once so sunny shore!

Our sun is bright, but we do never shine,

Since bearded hero passed Himalah-line.

Now for the blood, our tears alone are shed!

We tell a tale that such a hero bled.

Our shames are these, and those the glories were!

To these we cling, toward those we never stir!

Ah! rise my fellow men, attention pay

To this poor song, which I before you lay!

Come down, O Goddess fair, from mountain’s top,

In his uncommon flight, the poet prop,

Oh! strengthen his daring wings and let him soar

Above the clouds, and the pure Truth explore.

The man who met the master of the earth

By fair Taxila’s bank, his death, his birth,

His private life, oh Heavenly Goddess sing,

In numbers sweet, as old Castalia’s spring!

A realm there was in western part of Ind

Ruled by a king—the formidable Sind.

Its name Taxilus, and its air was fine,

And rich it was with many a golden mine.

Full oft the grisly trans-Himalan king

Would rain his hordes and gong of battle ring.

To save fair Ind from such invasions dread,

They placed the martial Sindus at the head.

High on his throne the famous monarch stands;

A golden sceptre dignifies his hands.

He calls his Brahmin priests, and fain would know

When God a son on him will sure bestow.

“Oh friends of mine and parents of my good,

Presage the time when this pure Khettria blood

Of mine shall run in other veins. Relate,

What power provoked has caused my childless state.”

Acharyas gravely sit with chalk in hand,*

And ‘gin to scratch upon the plates with sand.

*The Hindu astrologers are called Acharyas.

At last they find the day, the king address,

In orient strains, and thus the fate express:

“O potent King, the brighter days are now

To dawn upon thy fortune’s charming brow,

Three times the sun the scorpion grim shall meet

Ere you, and your beloved a son may greet,

And time shall see your future martial heir,

Upon the hugest beast to wars repair,

A mighty ‘shoor shall once invade our land,

And fiercely march destroying sword in hand;

A check he’ll meet with from your son at last

By which he shall be back on Persia  east,

Though mountains fall, and the still earth uprise,

Our word as sure as* Bhishma’s arrow flies.”

*Bhishma was the son of Shantonoo and Gunga. It is said of him that he killed two heavenly beings with his arrow in their way upwards. He was the Commander-in-Chief of the Kooroos in the first battle fought between them and the Pandavas, who were headed by the famous Bhima. Bhishma was never married on account of the promise he made when his father was wedded to Shuttobutty. After ten days’ continual action, the Pandavas, without any hope of success, had recourse to a foul means to kill their antagonist. An impotent man was placed before him, in consequence of which Bhishma threw away his bow and arrows, as the sight of such a creature was considered as a very bad omen. Thus disarmed, the great Bhishma was run through by Arjoon.

Thus told the sage foretellers of the fate;

And to his queen the king with joy elate.

The stated time expires, the son is born,

His bright complexion does the hall adorn.

The eyes of cheerful Sind express delight,

His mind grows big with joy at ev’ry sight.

Day after day they see the son to grow,

And ‘clipse the charming grace of all below.

The sixth day comes, the joyful maids prepare

The things required for satara-affair.

A goat is kept just by the nursery door,

A pen—a palm leaf are placed on the floor;

For Brahmah* will that night from heaven descend,

And write the fate of child from birth to end.

*Brahma is one of the Hindu Triad, and is said to have created the material world by order of the Supreme Being—Brahman, whose origin is not known to man.

For him a wooden plank is placed aright,

On which the God will sit the fate to write;

The queen herself with her surrounding maids,

Keep up the night in hand the iron blades.

Now when the dismal darkness of the night

Beyond the western main doth make its flight.

Pursued by fierce rays of the darting sun,

Who rears his head on east, as it doth run;

At such a time the queen, her maidens fair,

Forsake the room, and then to bathe repair;

Ablutions finished, come they home again,

Bow down their heads to Shusty’s* holy fane.

*Shusty is the goddess who presides over the children, and resembles the mistress of NUMA in all other respects but love.

A month passed on, the Gods now have their rites,

The moony face of child the king delights.

Six signs the Day-God doth now keep behind,

The child does learn to walk on knees they find.

Thus much, O Muse! now let my harp repose,

Throw not thy sweets on themes becoming prose,

The days of childhood suit no longer thee,

On themes sublimer let thy fingers free;

Pass o’er the barren track of Pooroo’s life;

Now sing his manhood and relate his strife;

Do justice to his might and truly say,

With what great skill the potent king did sway.

The sceptre of a realm extending wide,

From Hymalya’s chain to Ocean’s side!

Now comes the son of king to youthful age

And doth to science and arts his mind engage,

Learns every book and leaves no branch unknown,

Till on the top of learning’s hill he shone;

Now counts the stars, the planet’s path descries,

Then sees the map to find where Lanka lies;

Now tries to find the class that goose enrols,

Then learns the branch that treats of stones and coals;

Now reads and writes and learns to work a sum,

Then sings and rings and beats the stately drum;

Thus goes his time. The lovely prince one day,

Upon the Sutledge banks begins to play

With all his comrades, all supremely good;

And gazing at the streamlet’s scene they stood.

Now when his friends are charmed by nature’s grace,

The youthful prince doth seek another place,

Where trees unnumbered stand in grand array,

And hungry beasts do roam in search of prey;

To such a place th’ undaunted prince alone

Resorts with bow and arrow—sling and stone;

Now kills a goat with his unerring dart,

Then wounds a deer with admirable art;

As when his jolly friends a gambler eyes,

To bring his cards with over haste he tries;

But if the cards he does not quickly find,

Exceeding wrath disturbs his peaceful mind;

So was the prince; when he did find at last,

His quiver empty, and his arrows cast.

There lies a lake where ends this thick-grown wood,

By side of which a stately yew tree stood,

Haunts there the stag when urged by midday heat,

To quench its thirst and cool its burning feet;

Now there the prince pursued an ancient hind,

And cast at it at last his shaft unkind,

Dead fell the beast: a sigh with pathos warm

Attracts the prince’s mind profaned with harm.

He leaves his bow and pointed shafts behind,

And goes in haste where groans the dying hind.

Now sad reflection clouds his mental realm,

And questions past our thought his heart o’erwhelm:

“From whom is life? And whence this frame of man?

What mighty power has formed this mighty plan?

Why live we here? And why desire and feel?

For what we turn with time’s revolving wheel?

I eat, and live, and sleep, and spend the day

But never think of these!—my life is gay!

From this awaking hour I let my eyes

Select my way, led by the guiding Skies.

This day I leave my ever-gorgeous vest.

To visit lands, extending in the west.

Ye woods! be witness, I my country leave

And come not back until my end achieve.”

This said, the prince now throws his dress aside,

And wears the tiger’s thickly spotted hide.

A trident graced his powerful, strong right hand,

The other one supports a threatening wand;

Now that our hero moves with hasty strides

And comes where old renowned Hydaspes glides;

Passes it o’er and sees the scenes around,

And hears the waterfall’s refreshing sound;

The distant mountain shows its snowy crest

and grandly standing doth invite its guest;

It was the time when Eve her gloomy shades

Diffused on woods and mountains, vales and glades;

It was the time when that e’er-shining star

Began to shoot her light on earth afar;

Now lo! the demon Gloom doth spread his wings

O’er all that bear the name of earthly things.

Now here on Sutlege banks the prince’s mates

Suppose their friend is gone to palace gates.

Hasten they home and seek him everywhere,

But wonder, still they cannot find him there;

But wonder ceased to tease their peaceless brain

When found the prince was not to come again;

They searched the woods, the river banks they sought

But to their grief, alas! they met him not!

At last they wept aloud, the king now hears

The sad event, and sheds his bitter tears.

Somehow or other, Sindus seems to know

The mystery yet unsolved to all below;

He calls his men and thus imparts his thought—

“O mighty men, your common aid has brought

Me to the sovereignty of this land;

O my much-valued chiefs—my martial band!

To you I say with my deep-wounded mind

Go, go wher’er my lovely son you find;

Within the bounds of Asia’s land of yore

O where extends Europa’s barb’rous shore;

Where’er you see my son, go, meet him there

To bring him home no melting words you spare;

My splendour vain—my throne I want no more;

Go, go and seek my son on distant shore.”

Commanded thus they run with lightning haste,

And pass o’er fields and woods and sandy waste:

Some toward the east are moving with a speed

Resembling that of th’ strong Arabian steed;

The rising sun they face as if to catch

That glittering orb, for his neglected watch;

While others move along the mountain-chain

That fences on the west their king’s domain;

Some seek the southern lands of gloomy dread,

While others plod to north, of cold afraid;

In all directions thus the men are sent;

And priests employed, to God, their prayers now vent;—

“Almighty Sire, our feeble prayers oh hear!

Thy holy name destroys the gloom of fear;

How oft we asked thy aid, and not in vain!

How oft thy name dispelled our sorrow’s train!

Thy might hath wrought this world, thou dost protect;

Thy lash of ruin its vices shall correct;

Our tongues are poor indeed our words are few,

We scarce can say, O sire, what’s due to you,

But lend thy listening ears, if ears thou hast,

To us: and thy eyes gracious once more cast;

Thy power has placed our Sindus on the throne,

And blest him with a son, to goodness prone:

But ah! Sire, that innocent royal bud

Is lost—The palace fair shall turn to mud!

Thy sacred laws, no doubt, shall make a room

For Anarchy’s unconquerable gloom!

If Pooroo’s dead, Father, then all is gone!

And gloomy Death will reign on earth alone!!”

Thus when the minds of men were low with fears;

The pensive news now runs to Rani’s ears,

Her rosy cheeks are marked with drops of silent tears.

Now the brave Pooroo here ascends a hill,

Along which glides a soft retiring rill,

Thereon th’ undaunted prince doth stand aright

And cast his gentle eyes upon the sight;

It was a cheering night, the starry dome

Displayed the page of th’ astronomer’s tome;

The* sea-born Phoebe’s brighter, softer beam

Was lighting Nature’s face with sleeping gleam;

*It is said in the Hindu mythology that the moon rose out of the sea at the time when Ramchundra the son of Dashorath was five years of age. At this period the Hindus learnt how to calculate solar and lunar eclipses.

Lo there! that distant, passing northern star

Is beckoning the sea-man from afar!

And lo! the Pleides sit together there

To make nocturnal club for man’s affair,

Behold that demon star doth stand on high

As if commanded thus to guard the sky!

His starry sword now glittering hangs below,

His belts (of what we know not) brightly glow!

The prince’s hungry eyes were fixed on these

Enchanting scenes that ‘gan his mind to please;

As when in golden days remoter far

The well-known* Gupta and our Narsapur

* Brahmagupta and Narsapur were the two great Hindu astronomers of the ancient days.

Stood on the hills to read the opened page

Of Nature’s works and thus their minds engage.

When through the astronomic eyes they viewed

The lunar orb; their joy, their strength renewed;

So now our prince with his unaided eye

Looks at the starry realm above the sky;

Satiety o’ercomes his curious mind;

He casts his eyes abroad, around, behind;

The fruitful trees invite his sweeping eyes

The streamlet’s crystal beauty he descries,

The grassy vale o’ergrown with leafy plants,

Th’ untravelled mind of Pooroo Raj enchants;

There in a nook a silent grot he sees,

Bedecked with crystal grace the guest to please;

Where steals with hasty steps the lunar light,

And makes the grot an ever-cheering sight;

Now Pooroo moves toward these with princely air

Enters the place delightful, choice and fair,

There lies he down to sell a part of time

For rest, that seeketh man in every clime;

When gentle sleep’s intoxicating power

O’ercame his animal force at midnight hour,

A vision (sterner than Atrides met—’

While Troy’s walls stood undemolished yet)

A vision stern appeared before his eyes

Whose stature long the tall Tal tree defies,

Whose hands were much more than enow to break

A thousand like the famous Titan a neck;

Courage doth fly before his mighty breast,

His head o’er tops the mountain’s snowy crest;

Such a fierce sight appeared in Pooroo’s view;

His clothes were coloured with a various hue;

He at the prince’s face began to pout;

These broken words his shivering lips gave out:—

“Thou thoughtless boy, why are thou here tonight?

Go seek another place with hasty flight!

I know thy name, thy house is known to me,

Thou art the son of Shindhoo Raj I see;

I was a king before, but now no more,

My name resound the bounds of every shore,

Like yours my days were past in mazy thought,

Like you I sought this solitary grot,

But days went on, and Yoma’s darkest jaws

Fell close upon my neck like tiger’s claws;

I will not tell my name nor let you know

The place to which at daybreak I shall go;

But go, my silly boy, remain not here,

Where China’s realms extend, without a fear,

There shalt thou see a man of twice-two score

With hoary beards that measure cubits four.”

This said, he vanished from the prince’s sight;

Th’ approach of morn dispelled the dismal sight.

End of the first book.

Principle of The Pleasure

All conscious activity, whether in the course of duty or in defiance of duty depending upon the individual temperament is regulated by what ...